Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Easy and Effective Guide for Getting Rid of Wsearch.net Quickly (Manual Removal Guide)

Browsers are hijacked by Wsearch.net? Have a hard time to remove it, but no luck? By reading this post, you can find an effective way to get rid of Wsearch.net completely and safely. If you meet any trouble, please feel free to contact Tee Support certified professionals 24/7 online for more detailed instructions.

Type:  Browser Hijacker/Redirect Virus
Risky Level: High
Infected OS: Win7/XP/Vista/8


Wsearch.net Details

Wsearch.net is totally a nasty browser hijacker which keeps bothering users with constant online search redirect. It always pops up to interrupt website visit when a new tab has been open on browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet explorer etc.). Ads popups will display on your screen which are really annoying. Users who get infected with this virus must have tried with several security programs to try to get it fixed. However, it all turns out to be a waste of time since no antivirus software is there to meet with the help.  Not for a long time, you will feel your computer performance slows dramatically, internet browsers can’t work smoothly, and other programs are always not responding. Wsearch.net can keep tracking your visited pages and record your privacy for profitable goal. To keep the PC and privacy safe, users are high recommended to remove Wsearch.net as soon as possible.

Wsearch.net Infected Symptoms

1. Wsearch.net can compromise your system and may introduce additional infections like rogue software.
2. Wsearch.net forces you to visit websites and advertisements which are not trusted and may lead you to pay money wrongly for worthless products.
3. Wsearch.net takes up high resources and strikingly slow down your computer speed and even causes your computer stuck frequently.
4. Wsearch.net may allow cyber criminals to track your computer and steal your personal information.
5. Wsearch.net can cause serious damage by deleting important files and destroying information on your system.

Manual Wsearch.net Removal Guide

Step 1. Uninstall from Control Panel
Open CONTROL PANEL, then ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS or “Programs and Features”, now lookup for Wsearch.net and uninstall if it is listed.

Step2 . Reset Browser Settings
On Internet explorer:
  1. Click arrow on the right of search box.
  2. Do the following: on IE8-9 choose Manage Search Providers, on IE7 click Change Search Defaults.
  3. Remove Www.onewebsearch.com from the list.
On Firefox :
  1. Enter “about:config” in url bar. This will open settings page.
  2. Type “Keyword.url” in the search box. Right click it & reset it.
  3. Type “browser.search.defaultengine” in the search box. Right click it & reset it.
  4. Type “browser.search.selectedengine” in the search box. Right click it & reset it.
  5. Search for “browser.newtab.url”. Right-click and reset. This will make sure that the search page won’t launch on each new tab.
On Google Chrome:
  1. Click 3 horizontal lines icon on browser toolbar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Basics ->Manage Search engines.
  4. Remove unnecessary search engines from list.
  5. Go back to Settings. On Startup choose Open blank page (you can remove undesired pages from the set pages link too).
Step3.Remove all files associated with Wsearch.net from your computer completely:
%Aprogram files%\Wsearch.net

Step 4. Delete registry entries associated with Wsearch.net in the following directories:

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{random}
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current\Winlogon\”Shell” = “{random}.exe”

Note: Sufficient computer skills will be required in dealing with Wsearch.net files, processes, .dll files and registry entries, otherwise it may lead to mistakes damaging your system, so please be careful during the manual removal operation. If you cannot figure out the files by yourself, just feel free to Contact Tee Support Online Experts for more detailed instructions.


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